How to fake it, without really faking

Somedays you just don't want to get out of bed. Sometimes the things that await you feel too big. There are those mornings when you wake up feeling at least ten pounds heavier than you did when you went to bed- physically and emotionally. Ugh, it's just... blah.  Naturally, the most self-gratifying thing to do would be to mope through the day spreading melancholy... at least it usually is for me.

But I say we fake it. I say we get up, get dressed (no sweats or leggings), eat something healthy, dance a little bit, smoosh on some pink lipstick, and wear something sparkly.

fake it.jpg

Remember all the things that you love about life, try and count the different ways that you are blessed, smile at yourself in the mirror... and before you know it, you're smiling back. 

It's going to be a good day today. I'm going to make sure of it.