6 things we always take to the park

+ a good sturdy blanket. {ours is similar, i bought it at costco a few years ago.} i cannot tell you how much use ours has gotten. waterproof is key, and it's nice if it is easy to fold up too. ours just always stays in the car.

+ food. lots and lots and lots of food. nothing kills a great day at the park like unending complaints about being hungry. i find that my kids are more apt to eat healthy when we pack our lunch. "I'm sorry, that's all I brought guys." and so they eat the carrots and hummus.

+ water. for the same said reason above. we gather up every available water bottle and fill them at the house before we leave. we bring them home empty almost every time. 

+ open-ended art supplies. sketch books, colored pencils, clip boards {for portability}, watercolors, glue, etc. when the playground gets old and the snacks are all gone, a little project can buy you some more time on your blanket while the kids are occupied. let them make a mess. you don't really have to worry about cleaning much of it up. 

+ my camera. often times I will let the kids take turns {carefully} using it to shoot things that interest them. sometimes i give them an assignment, "go see if you can find something red...." or "see if you can get a good action shot of your brother swinging." they love uploading and editing.

+ things to read. we bring stuff to lounge and read, books to study, and books for inspiration