I know, I know I said we would bake a lemon tart... but unfortunately, 

this little dude got attacked by a ferocious flu virus. It. was. nasty. Shhhh don't tell him that it was his birthday today. We decided it was for the best that we just play it off like wasn't. As soon as he's back to 100% we'll celebrate- when he can actually hold his head upright. Poor guy.

And so, with the exception of one little ice cream outing, and one short little hike...

the rest of the weekend was spent indoors catching up around the house, and looking after Ian.

You asked a couple questions about coffee and school in the comments last week. I intend to get to those, and that lemon tart. ​

For now, my alarm is set for 2:30am. Ungodly. But I'm all set for a baking adventure tomorrow. Be back soon.