embracing autumn

I admit that Autumn is not my favorite season. It seems everyone is all giddy about their pumpkin spice lattes and Frye riding boots (okay those ARE really cute) but I just want to be back on the beach soaking up the sun. Summer is my favorite. It's typically hard for me to let it go. Winter just feels so long here. I'm not sure I'm ready. (Crock pot dinners, wearing socks, scraping windshields, darkness at 5pm, closing up the windows, buying tomatoes instead of picking them out of my garden? Already? Ugh.) 

Sometimes I guess I just need a little nudge. Enter my friend Clara who always knows how to throw a good party. 


It seems all I needed was a Snowdrift cider and some banjo to bring me along. Well hello Fall. I think I'm on board now. Thank you Clara for helping to usher in the season so tastefully. We always love your parties. And maybe, just maybe, I'll learn to embrace Autumn. 
