a day at the office

5am awakening

candle burning

clock ticking

sun rising

breaths deepening

heartbeat monitoring

uterus contracting

cervix opening

hands holding

arms enveloping

words encouraging


(Doppler, gel, and pre-dawn candlelight.)

tub filling

water relaxing

warmth helping

body pushing

downward moving

passage opening

head crowning

shoulders coming


baby crying

mama relieving

papa awing

finger counting

toe counting

eyes adoring

cord pulsating

family bonding

bodies warming

voices cooing


(Nearly 30 years of practice and approx 1,000+ babies! Pictures to prove it. Amazing.)

placenta leaving

breasts feeding

scale weighing

bottom diapering

blanket wrapping

word spreading

people congratulating

grandmas hugging

love growing

life beginning



(I'm always starving when I get home!?! Geez. It's not like I was the one doing the hardest work!)


And now let's go watch this:

Watch Call the Midwife - Preview on PBS. See more from Call the Midwife.