black and white in black and white
idea book (our farm stand has a name, and a logo...still working on the rest!)
Letter P
Maybe I need some color?
I want you to know that I don't always write about what's going on behind the scenes here- in my home, in my heart. It shouldn't surprise you to know that sometimes things are messy. We all deserve a quiet little corner of privacy and thought. Sometimes talking about make-up or patio furniture is good for me, but please don't think that I can't understand or empathize with the weightier things in life. I never want to be guilty of portraying a life that's just about fluff. I realize that many of you are dealing with some really tough stuff. My heart goes out to you. Sometimes when I hear about an illness, or a preterm labor, or anything really sad or frightening, I feel a little guilty for posting about popscicles and lounging by the pool. It's never my intention to belittle the courageous suffering of others...
I'm not always cheerful. Often times I'm afraid. I lose my patience every day- several times. My kids misbehave. Marriage is hard work. My car smells like old cheese. We are all mucking our way through this human experience. Together.
If you are hurting, I'm sorry. If I you are struggling, I'm cheering you on. If you are smiling, I'm smiling too. Just do your best! It will be ok. Let's have a happy weekend. XXOO