democracy and lunch
/I've never been too involved in politics. It's sort of not my thing. Mostly, because I've been uneducated about all of it in general. But as Carl has been doing some work for the Ron Paul campaign, I've come around some and learned a lot.
The Washington State caucus were held on Saturday. We packed the kids along and took them with us. The whole process was easy and enjoyable. Very grass-rootsy. We sat around tables with people from our neighborhood and it felt like democracy the way it was meant to be.
I was shocked to see how few young people were in attendance. Most people who came were much older than Carl and myself. I wonder and worry a bit about why our generation has such apathy towards privileges and rights that were hard fought for. Have we become so lazy that unless a ballot is mailed to our door (and even then so many don't get sent back) we don't bother? Our kids were remarkably interested in all that was happening. The precinct leaders were so kind to involve them in ballot passing out/collecting, and allowing them to take photographs.
Then we went to lunch.
Prior to the caucus Carl had worked 12 straight 12+ hour days. There had been a lot of project deadlines over the last several days and even though he works from home, I was missing him.
So were the girls.
They were picking out dessert...
We were already enjoying ours. (picture is blurry because Emma was totally embarassed and wanted to get it over with as soon as possible)