Smooth Sailing

I really only "made" one or two gifts this year. I'm glad that I didn't try to do more, it ended up being a little bit crazy with everyone feeling so sick.

Bread bag
I was happy with the way these little bread bags turned out.

  Bread bag instructions

The instructions came from Home Sewn.  The pattern called for hemp which I had exactly zero yards of.  I used linen instead. These whipped up quick- maybe an hour for one bag start-to-finish.

Bread bag bottom
The cool thing about these bags is that there is a little compartment of flax seeds sewn into the bottom so that you can heat the bag and keep your bread warm. I gave the bags of bread with some balsamic flavored olive oil for dipping.

Bread bag open

What is Christmas without some cookies and fudge? These plates went to our friends. I thought they looked pretty. I bought the plates, ribbon, and ornaments at Target.

Christmas cookie plates
Lastly, I made cleaning kits for teachers. (and forgot to take pictures)

The last four days have passed quietly.  I've not left the house since Monday morning. The girls have been happily playing with the neighbors and enjoying an abundance of free time. Ian started crawling this week.  The Christmas tree is coming down on the 26th!!!

The dishes are done. The laundry is mostly caught up.  My house is fairly tidy. The last bottle of amoxicillin disappears tomorrow. There is approx 12-18 inches of snow in my back yard.  We've got sleds, and movies, and cocoa, and THE NEXT FOUR WHOLE DAYS to celebrate together. Ahhh, I'm gonna soak it up.