3/17/06 at 3:35pm
/Dear Laurel-
How is it possible that you are 3 years old? I am just sure that you are still my baby, however, I must concede that you are getting bigger. Everyday you find new ways to capture my heart.
I love the way you put your hand on my arm when we are close, and the way you give me little pats on the back when we hug. You are so willing to submit yourself to the ideas of other (older sisters) and yet, you have really carved out your own little place in this family. We love your squishy buns and your dainty giggles. You do an incredibly accurate impression of Moto-Moto on Madagascar 2 ("I like 'em big, I like 'em chunky"). It thrills me that you'll eat salad without gobs of ranch, and snap peas, and hummus, and tofu shakes, and almost anything else that I put in front of you. Your long stories and detailed articulations amaze me for someone of your age. Sometimes I think that I could listen to you for hours. The best mornings are the ones where you make your way to my bed before everyone else wakes up. Sweetness is exchanging quiet whispers about dreams or the plans of the day with you.
You are incredibly good and naming your babies. "Annalina" and "Special Baby" are well taken care of. You also have the amazing ability to chew 4 pieces of gum at once! I've never known someone to have such an obsession over chapstick. It is crazy the way you keep track of it all day long and hide it under your pillow at night. I can attest to the fact that you have some of the softest lips around.
I prayed for you from the moment I knew I was pregnant. After Hannah (who had colic for 8 months) I pleaded with the Lord to give me a baby with a sweet spirit. As He always does- He provided. I'll never forget your birth. It was almost like I knew I was giving birth to a close companion, a special friend, a contented soul.
Happy Birthday "Laurel Baby", I'll never stop calling you that.
**I know I've been missing for a while...I'll be back soon with updates on homeshooling, vegan eating and some sewing. PROMISE!"