happy chairs

Chair problem fixed.

Happy chairs cat01_2

Taking color inspiration from Morgan I snazzed up the chairs at our school table.  The original thought was to replace the vinyl on the seats with some really cute oil cloth.  As I thought about ripping out all those staples and then considered the "skin-sticking-to-the-seat" factor of oil cloth- I changed my mind.  Instead I made a little skirt that can easily be removed and washed.  It really was super easy once I figured out how and what to measure.  I just took the length and width of the actual seat and added seam allowances, then measured around the legs to get the skirt length.  I multiplied the total length of the skirt by 1.5 and gathered it to get the fullness.

Happy chairs cat01

Happy chairs and a happy kitty. Success!

** a side note: we can't get enough of this song...some serious booty shakin' going on!