where the rubber meets the road
/It's 8:15am, girls dropped off at school (except for Laurel Baby), I have 2.5 hours of free time- what do I do next?
A. Make a beeline to my favorite downtown coffee shop? (very tempting!)
B. Go back home and do laundry? (not so tempting)
C. Get real about getting in shape and exercise? (ugghhh)
D. Kidnap my husband and fly a private jet to some lovely tropical island where we sip fruity drinks all day and sink our toes into the sand. (probably not a realistic option)
Answer: C
It wasn't all that bad. I had a fun little friend with me.
We chatted (er- maybe it was more like I eeked out a few words between gasps of air) about the trees,
and made a pre-season visit to the "secret beach".
All the fruit trees are beginning to bloom and it is so, so pretty around here.
It is amazing what intricate theological discussions one can have with a two year old about The Maker of All Things when surrounded by such beauty.
Me: Laurel, who made that pretty tree?
Her: um, God.
Me: Laurel, who made those noisy geese?
Her: um, God.
Me: Laurel, who made the bright sunshine?
Her: um, God.
Me: Laurel, who made you?
Her:...thinks about it... "God did!" (with great enthusiasm)
Me: Why did God make you?
Her: love (spoken in a soft voice with her head tilted to one side)
Isn't that simple? Just a one word answer summed it all up. I was blessed.