stop the merry-go-round

I want to get off!  The last few weeks of my life have been busier than I have wanted them to be and therefore, my posts have been less regular.  We have really been enjoying the warmer weather and longer days.  Fresh air feels so good.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to do a little PR for my childbirth classes.  An adorable new store (the only of its kind) opened up here in town and I was invited to be there to hand out flyers.


It is the kind of thing that I am entirely uncomfortable know, making easy and relaxed conversation with perfect strangers, promoting myself.  You never know how someone is going to react when you encourage natural birth. I read and article in our local newspaper last week that stated over 60% of women elect for an epidural at our hospital (that doesn't count Stadol or other narcotic drugs "to take the edge off") Natural Birth Nuts are clearly in the minority.  Everyone seems to have an opinion on the subject and I think they should, I just get nervous stepping out in a group of strangers like that. Thankfully, no one threw rotten tomatoes at me. None the less, it turned out to be a beautiful store and I was drooling over all of the merchandise.


Those cute Petunia Picklebottoms diaper bags are not helping me make a rational decision about having another baby!

In other news, I did some fun sewing and some awesome thrifting on Sunday.  I am running out of time for today though (hey didn't I say I wanted off this merry-go-round?)  Come back tomorrow and the next day to see the products of both.