Weekend Wrap-UP

Dad carving turkey2008-11-26 

Thanksgiving was very enjoyable.  Even with "camo man" carving the turkey...it all turned out wonderful.  My Dad has another nickname:"Foreman Jim".  My brother gave it to him because he has a tendency to be, well, a bit bossy.   It is not a bad trait...just executive-ish.  My dad says that it takes one to know one.  In that case, there were too many foremen/forewomen in the kitchen this weekend :)  But many hands make light work.  More time for me to sip wine and stir the beans.


Once again, Everyday Food  was at my right hand.  I had a clipboard, time schedule, and a whole lotta lists.  It paid off.  I felt very organized.

Girls group pic2008-11-27 

The highlight of my weekend actually came the day after Thanksgiving.  My friends from high school had lunch together.  It was so exciting to see these girls!  Some of them I hadn't seen since graduation.  It was a tad surreal sitting there with them all grown up- talking babies and husbands and homes.  After lunch we hit up some of the downtown shopping.  Laughing, lots of chattering, and the spending of money ensued.  Good times.  We promised to make it an annual event.  For those of you who couldn't make it...we really, really missed you!  If you see your foxy face in this picture, leave me a comment and I'll send you the picture file.