winter daydreaming

This was the scene coming down the hill into town this morning. 


Quite beautiful I know, but also losing it's novelty (by the way, I do not recommend being the photographer and the driver. simultaneously)  My seed catalog arrived the other day.  Fantasies of growing a bigger better garden than last year are hovering about in my mind. I know my space, my sun, and my soil all a little better this time around.  The planning has been in early stages for a couple of weeks now. (below: how I spent the my time this afternoon while the girls napped)


I am a complete novice.  The only things I have learned about gardening have come from this book. It is a quick easy read with lots of helpful charts and drawings.  I am a chart/drawings kind of girl. So now, the only things standing in my way are about 6 inches of crusty snow (with more on the way) and temperatures that are about 30 degrees too chilly. Is it too early to have spring fever?