The Beginning
/First off, I would like everyone to clap for me. We made it out the door in one piece and on time.
I didn't run over anything while backing out, and I remembered all 3 of my children. (it only took staying up until 1am to make sure everything was ready to go.) I definitely need to delegate some of those getting ready tasks. "Cringe" when I think about what Emma's version of a lunch might be.
For the last few days Emma has been saying (in a know-it-all tone), "I am not nervous for school at all Mom, I have already been there for 2 years." So I found it interesting when she showed up in my bedroom this morning at 6:30am fully dressed and ready to go. It was also quite peculiar that she couldn't finish her breakfast. Ahh, truly she is her mother's daughter. We went to wake Hannah up and she simply rolled over and pulled the covers back on. We eventually roused her and she was totally excited. She sang her ABC's in the car "just to practice."
What about "the bitty" you ask? Well she and I made our way to The Farmers Market. We found some yummies and sat together, letting the morning sink in.
I maintained composure for the most part. (thank you Jesus for sunglasses) At one point, as I was blabbing on and on to my only remaining tiny passenger, she put her finger to her lips and said, "mama sssshhhh." Nice, thanks Laurel. Most of my tears came last night. My husband was a bit perplexed. He couldn't quiet understand what the big deal was.
When I drove away from the school, I felt like I had left a small piece of me behind in those two classrooms. It was pretty quiet in the car....
Then the other part of me piped up and said, "I think I could get used to this."