made it!

I didn't actually make any "things" today (except 50 bazillion snacks and 3 square meals).  I really, really want to do some sewing!  Tomorrow afternoon perhaps.

I did make it through school pictures- or at least I equipped my children to make it through them.  Hair is a big deal around here these days!!

I made it through recess as "the monitor", no major issues to report. I wanted to ask if I could take my whistle home for more practice.

I made it through a trip to the vet with our new kitty.  She has a bit of a cold.  And knowing me, you know that this was a big deal for me.  I am not a huge lover of animals.  I guess the Doula in me came out as I tried to comfort this kitty through her rectal temperature procedure!

I made it through a flurry of afternoon phone calls mixed with book reading, spelling words, annoying neighbor playmates, and dinner making.

I made it through the first class in the next series of my classes.  Three lovely couples, so enjoyable.

Yes, I made it through this day.  I have to say this because there were moments when I wasn't so sure that I would.  Sometimes I am very irrational :)  I don't like just "making it" through the day.  I would much rather enjoy it.  None the less here we are, and tomorrow is a new day.


Ahhhh breathe.