First of the Season

Snow melted (yes we had more a few days ago). Rain stopped. Maybe even a patch of blue sky? Helmets dusted off. Tires pumped up. Water bottle filled. Bikes and ipods loaded (old school and some new). I nominated Emma to come with me for the first ride of the season.

I am a firm believer in family fitness. As tempting as it is to slink off and do a workout by myself,  I think it's important that the girls recognize their body's ability to be strong. My mother gave that to me. I hope to provide the same.








Our eyes were watering in the wind and we froze our butts off, but it was good fun. I was proud of her! She made it more than 11 miles. Afterwards you better believe we went for coffee and cider.

I'm back in the swing of things here and working on a few posts that will hopefully answer some of the great questions that you've left in the comments and via email. Be back soon.

inner dialogue: treadmill version


The sky looked like this yesterday afternoon. I don't think it actually ever rained, but I was sure at any moment it was going to downpour. Darn it. I wanted to get a run in.  I'm a fair-weather girl. I wish I was all geared out and and into extreme conditions, and precipitation- but I'm not. It takes enough motivation as it is. When the weather is bad I almost always flake out. I drove away from the clouds and headed to the gym.


Headphones in hand, I hopped on the treadmill and watched the minutes begin to tick away. 

1:04- Dear God, I'm here to do penance for the mid-afternoon lack of self-control. I'm sorry for eating a hand full of chocolate chips. That was out of line. Please forgive me.

1:59- It's been a busy day. I'm glad I'm here. Good job me. I even have a cute pony tail today.

3:07- (Notice the Teenage Trixie to my left.) Are those her shorts or her underwear? Whatever. I can take her. Maybe she wants to race?

4:23- Over exaggerate when inserting headphones into my ears in order to avoid the conversation that the middle-aged man to my right is trying to strike up. I'm not interested in the basketball game dude.

6:01- Warm-up over. Time to run. 


7:39- This is a nice pace. I'm energized.

10:01- Huh. I've only been running 4 minutes? Weird, feels longer.

12:01- Whoa, my throat feels like I just swallowed a handful of gravel. I wonder if I could reach my water bottle on the ground without stopping? Without falling off?

13:01- I've only been running 7 minutes? Ugh. I miss the fresh air and my view

15:00- I'm going to die (gasp, pant) turn my headphones louder. I don't want to hear myself breathe.

17:22- Look at those dark clouds. It's 8:00pm. I should be home cuddled under a blanket on the couch crocheting. But then, I would have a butt that looked like I sat on the couch crocheting. 

17:23- Remembering  this: 

Skinny girls

(there is no such thing as a bubble where we only see each other from flattering angles and in good lighting- RUN!)

20:32- Oh bye-bye Teeny Bopper Girl. I knew you wouldn't last. Enjoy the tanning bed. I'm just gonna stay here and burn calories.

24:58- Yay, it's Kings of Leon I love this song. Up my pace to 5 mph.

27:39- Pony tail is falling out.

29:13- I'm doing this. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Only 10 minutes and 47 seconds to go.

32:00- Don't quit. You cannot quit. Keep running. 

33:17- It feels good to sweat. Wipe my face with the towel they gave me at the front desk, see evidence that my mascara is running.

33:18- Remembering this:

If you still look pretty

34:44- Home stretch. Wow, it is way easier to run on this belt than on the pavement around my neighborhood. Maybe there is something to this 0% incline "no hills" thing.

37:12- What day is it? What time is it? I'm lost. In a good way.

40:01- Done? Already? I was just hitting my stride. That was SO easy. 


Endorphins- yes!! I'm awesome. Flying high. Let's go try on bathing suits or something.



I think I might puke.